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Diabetology & Endocrinology

  Fellowships received: FRCP (Edin), FACE (USA), FICP, FIACM, FISH, FIMSA, FRSSDI
  Former-Senior Professor & Head, Department of Endocrinology, PGIMS, Rohtak.
  More than 170 publications in various international, national journals & books
  Written books: Endocrine Disorders In Pregnancy, Women Health in Diabetes.
  Contributed chapters in many well-known textbooks on Diabetes and Endocrinology like API Textbook of Medicine, Manual of Endocrinology, Medicine Update, RSSDI Update.
  Delivered numerous lectures at various National and International conferences
  Inspiring Diabetologist/Endocrinologist Award from Economic Times in June 2020.
  Sanofi Aventis Lectureship Oration award in Diabetes at APICON-2018, Bangalore.
  Sadikot Oration Lecture: UPDACON 2020
  AR Seth Gold Medal for best research paper in ESICON, 2007 AT TIRUPATI
  Silver Medal for 2 ND best poster presentation in ESICON, 2010 AT CMC VELLORE
  Best Free Paper Award at RSSDI 2013, New Delhi & at APICON, VARANASI 2003
  Past President Indian Thyroid Society-ITSCON
  Past Executive member: Endocrine society of India (ESI)
  Reviewer for Journal of Indian Academy of clinical medicine) (JIACM) 2002 onwards, Reviewer for Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (DRCP), BMJ Case Reports & Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, IJDDC, Primary Care Diabetes.

We are providing state of art care for patients with Various Endocrine diseases and advance diabetes care at Kainos Superspeciality hospital. Patients with various Endocrine disorders and Diabetes are seen in Kainos city OPD and are admitted to Kainos Superspeciality hospital as and when needed. Facility for estimation of various hormonal investigations is available at hospital. Various Endocrine procedures like insulin induced hypoglycaemia and clonidine stimulation test for evaluation of short stature, ACTH stimulation test for adrenocortical disease, Evaluation of delayed and Early Puberty, PCOD, Obesity, Osteoporosis, various pituitary disorders including pituitary tumors and biopsies of various organs like adrenal glands, kidney are performed according to needs of the patients. Facility of Continuous glucose monitoring (CGMS), Insulin Pump and intensive care support for critically sick Diabetic patients and diabetic foot are available at hospital. We also have facility for Bariatric surgery for patient with morbid obesity.

The modern sedentary lifestyle has contributed to the rapid rise of the disease and it is estimated that today, more than 62 million Indians suffer from diabetes and the numbers are projected to touch 100 million by 2035. At Kainos, diabetes care is comprehensive and starts with preventive checks which can help those at risk avoid completely. For those with diabetes, Kainos’ team of expert doctors and trained medical staff offer care for the various types and stages of diabetes.

A Multidisciplinary approach which ensures expert care for all diabetic complications, which includes,

  • Foot care - Screening for highrisk cases and management of foot ulcers.
  • Eye care - Care for Diabetes Retinopathy, Muscular Disorders, Cataracts, and Glaucoma.
  • Kidney care - Care to prevent or delay the development of diabetic kidney disease
  • Weight management - Services include appropriate nutrition and robotic bariatric surgery.
  • Diabetes in Children - The paediatric, nutrition and other allied departments at kainos lend their expertise in treating and caring for minors with the disease.
  • Dedicated Diabetic clinics.

State of the art medical infrastructure and equipment including:

  • Modern laboratory services
  • Continuous glucose monitoring.
  • Insulin pump services.

Diabetology Services :

  Diabetes management
  Childhood diabetes
  Weight management
  Kidney care for diabates
  Eye care for diabetes
  Food care for diabetes
  Modern laboratory services

Patient Testimonial

In Empanelment


Kainos Hospital


#Karor Road, Kheri Sadh Bypass, Delhi Road, Rohtak, Haryana (124001).


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